Thursday 13 August 2015


I dreamed I had an

"So you would like to
interview me?" GOD asked.
"If you have the time,"
   I said.

GOD smiled.

"My time is eternity...
...what questions do you have in mind for me?"

"What surprises you most
about humankind?"

GOD answered...

"That they get bored with childhood,
they rush to grow up,
and then long to be
children again."
"That they lose their health
to make money...
and then lose their money
to restore their health."
"That by thinking anxiously
about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live in
neither the present
nor the future."
"That they live as if
they will never die,
and die as though
they had never lived."

GOD's hand took mine

and we were silent for a while.

And then I asked,
“As a parent,
What are some of life’s lessons
        You want your children to learn?”

“To learn they cannot
       Make anyone love them.
All they can do is
      Let themselves be loved.”
“To learn that it is not good,
    To compare themselves to others”
“To learn to forgive
      By practicing forgiveness.”
“To learn that it only takes
  A few seconds to open profound wounds
   In those they love,
And it can take many years
   To heal them.”
“To learn that a rich person
  Is not one who has the most,
But is one who
  Needs the least.”
“To learn that there are
   People who love them dearly,
But simply do not yet know how
  To express or show their feelings.”
“To learn that two people
   Can look at the same thing
And see it differently.”
“To learn that it is not enough
    That they forgive one another,
But they must also
  Forgive themselves.”
“Thank you for your time,”
    I said humbly.
“Is there anything else
    You’d like your children to know?”

GOD smiled and said…
“Just know that I am here.”

Friday 7 August 2015


Peace is what I love.
God is so kind, he has gifted me the peace.
Even the close ones are not able to disturb me now.

Thursday 30 July 2015

है कमी शब्दों की,
उनका व्यकतित्व बयां करने को
ऐसी महान शख्सियत थे वो।
फिर भी कर चला हूँ हिम्मत,
उनके लिए अपनी भावनाएँ उजागर करने को,
कि कितना हम सभी को प्रेरित कर गए हैं वो।

खुशनुमा था चेहरा उनका,
और गरीबों की हमेशा चिंता थी।
सच्चे दिल के इंसान थे वो,
और सच्चा भारतवासी उनकी पहचान थी।

हर डगर पर साथी बन चलते,
दिखाते देश को हरदम एक नई राह।
हमारा भारत हो सर्वश्रेष्ठ सबसे,
यही थी उनके दिल की चाह।

सीधा-सादा व्यवहार उनका,
और थी मधुर सी वाणी।
हमारी सोच को विकसित करती,
उनकी हर एक कहानी।

हर वर्ग के प्रेरणा-श्रोत हैं वो,
चाहे हो वृद्ध या कोई विद्यार्थी।
मन में रहता प्रेम सबके लिए,
और थे हर वर्ग के साथी।

यह यकीन करना भी मुश्किल है,
और सोच पाना भी मुमकिन नहीं।
भर आती हैं मन की आँखें,
जब याद आए की अब वे हमारे बीच नहीं।

उन्हें करते हैं दिल से सलाम,
हमेशा उन्हें याद करेंगे।
वे इंसान के रूप में फऱिश्ता रहे,
जाने के बाद भी सदा अमर रहेंगे।

Friday 24 July 2015


Is it real or a dream
how to figure out,
that it is milk or the cream.
Doors are open,
but the curtains are still on,
windows are closed
and the glasses are black.
Footprints are on my way,
they are disappearing
and I am getting afraid.
A hand is on my shoulder,
it's big and heavy,
pressing down my shoulder.
The hands are on my eyes now,
Lights are stopped,
rays are trapped,
someone is playing hide and seek.
Who's he..!
I want to know,
why is he playing with me,
tell me my lord.
This is a mystery to be solved,
all the secrets to be hold.
A game to be finished
and the truth to be ruled,
in this world of liars.

Saturday 11 July 2015

Cheer Him Up

He is silent
He is mute
People say that the ones who are funny,
Are the ones who are cute.
It means he is not funny,
He is not cute.
He is in that fearful corner,
Sitting like a separated soul,
Looking at the wall of thoughts
And missing his targeted goal.

The world far away from him,
Is enjoying in the bar
Having shots on shots,
And driving fast their car.

Let's get back to see that dumbo boy
Why is he so sad,
Why is he crying so bad.
Is he afraid of the world ?
Or may be he is afraid of himself.

He needs someone to cheer him up,
Someone to cheer up his loneliness,
To cheer up his confidence
To make him funny,
To make him cute.
He needs a friend to enjoy with,
And a friend to 'laugh out loud'.

(Poem For 'Cheer up the lonliness day'
11th July)

Tuesday 12 May 2015


I can fly,
             when the moonlight is walking through the windows
             and making a vision, like a dreamworld effect.

I can fly,
             when the green leaf is smiling
             looking up and blushing at me,
             thanking me for the care I do.

I can fly,
             when the cotton clouds are stuck by someone
             there in the blue sky,
             Who was that man to reach up so high?

I can fly,
             when I am alone
             sitting with an invisible companion,
             holding my hand and showing me the way
             to overcome my fears.

I can fly,
             when I am at the top
             making everybody proud,
             living the happiness,
             enjoying the dream of mine changing into reality.

I want to fly,
                   for them
                   who don't get a clean cloth to wear in their lifetime,
                   those who are smiling, when the life is smiling , on their painful smiles.

Thursday 30 April 2015

Pray For Nepal

They are brave
They are hardworking
They are our friends
Make a Step forward
Pray for them

They faced the disaster
Some are still alive
Some are taken to the god's lives
Make a step forward
Pray for them

They are humans
They are our family
The members of our family
Are surviving in danger
Make a step forward
Pray for them

Pray for the beings

Pray for the livings

May they rest in peace.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Earth Day

Let’s Make It Beautiful
Let’s make it beautiful
let’s do it for all
come stand for it
and don't let it fall.

it’s our earth
it’s our home
this is the place where,
we took our birth

so, let’s make it beautiful
let’s do it for all
come stand for it
and don't let it fall.

now the friendship is to be used
our friend is in danger,
we have to do some efforts
we have to use our anger.

Yes, let’s make it beautiful
let’s do it for all
come stand for it
and don't let it fall.

Happiness of the beings
rests in its core
all the precious things,
it provides us for sure.

come, let’s make it beautiful
let’s do it for all
come stand for it
and don't let it fall.

we are the future of earth
our duty is not to harm it
our love for our planet
can save it from the culprit.

then what are you waiting for

let’s make it beautiful
let’s do it for all
come stand for it friends
and don't let it fall.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Womens Day

Power In You

When you look up ,
You feel like to fly
The sky is clear
And the sun makes you shy.
You have the power ,
To destroy it’s heat ,
but still you take it’s bad shower
and remain on your seat.

I know you can get up,
I know you can rise
But your innocence ,
doesn’t allows you to fight.

Let me tell you ,
You must fight for your right
You are not made to go down
You are made to shine bright .

Your hands may be butter,
But your soul is a rock
Try to build some courage
Don’t be in the lock.

Your dad calls you beta,
Because you are his son
So together with the world
You should run
Now it’s the time for you to rise,
Do it fast until its too late.